Featured films include “Wind Walkers,” about an ancient curse, and “#NightsLikeThese,” about the desensitizing effects of social media

When film director Ian Skorodin noticed that there wasn’t a film festival for Native Americans in Los Angeles, he decided to start his own: LA Skins Fest.

Miracle Dolls, Well Hung Heart and Nickels & Bones Rock LA SKINS Musicfest in Hollywood

The 5th Annual LA SKINS MusicFest took over the Barnsdall Art Park Gallery Theater in Hollywood in September to give audiences a taste of the rich variety in Native music. LA SKINS founder Ian Skorodin, Choctaw, initiated the MusicFest in 2010 “to celebrate contemporary Native American music and to shed the stereotypical view of Native music.

Comcast Gives A Major Glimpse Into The Lives of Native Americans This November

November is Native American Heritage Month, a tradition established to give recognition to the Native American population’s contributions to U.S. society. The national month-long designation began in November 1990, but influential Native Americans, including Dr. Arthur C. Parker and Rev. Sherman Coolidge, have been advocating for awareness since almost one hundred years ago.

LA Skins Music Fest, Featuring Mia Sable and Tha Native

On Saturday, August 30, the 4th Annual LA Skins Music Fest takes place at the Barnsdall Art Park Gallery Theater in Los Angeles. The event, which features successful Native American musicians, will also include a youth talent show for the third year in a row.

LA Skins Founder Ian Skorodin Explains the Native American Film Festival, A Labor of Passion and Pragmatism

At the moment, Ian Skorodin is busy. It’s a beautiful weekday morning in Los Angeles, but the founder and director of the L.A. Skins Fest, a Native American Film Festival, is in his cluttered Hollywood office, mired in the unglamorous work of sending digital files of feature movies and short films to XFINITY where they will be available with XFINITY On Demand and online at

LA Skins Fest Takes Place at Autry National Center Nov. 17-20

Searching for your own voice? Struggling with self-esteem? Making a serious personal sacrifice for the greater good?
These are issues that resonate among us all.
However, they are also central themes to some of the films featured at LA Skins Fest, taking place at the Autry National Center on Nov. 17- 20.


KCET and San Manuel Band of Mission Indians will honor American Indian/Alaskan men and women or Indian Nations who are dedicating their lives to improving and enriching our local community through the arts, business, cultural/language preservation, business and social services.